
Monday, October 3, 2022

The Royal Family is Long on Pageantry but Short on Humanity

It's been almost a month since Queen Elizabeth's death. The UK had been brimming with tradition, pomp, and pageantry, from the installation of the new King and Queen Consort to the late Queen's Funeral; it had been the spectacle for which the British Monarchy is known. World Leaders and royalty from all corners of the earth descended on England to remember the late Queen and to attend her funeral. Thousands of soldiers and military personnel paraded the streets, and thousands of people queued up to walk past her coffin and lined the streets to bid farewell to their Queen. 

The new Monarch, King Charles III, regal and seemingly powerful, wasted no time naming his heir Prince William and Catherine, Prince and Princess of Wales. It all seemed like a fairytale; however, just a little scratch of the surface, hidden just beneath, was the reality that this was an institution so desperate to prove its "power" that it used the death of the Monarch to deliver mental and emotional blows to her "much loved" grandson Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.

If I ever wondered about the character of the people who run the Monarchy, the ten days between the Queen's death and her burial gave me a clear picture and one that was not pretty. It was grotesque. When news began to circulate that the Queen's health was declining and the family would make their way to Balmoral, the Sussexes released a statement that Meghan would accompany Harry to Scotland. Those within the royal households decided this of all times was the time to begin what would be ten days of doing the most to publicly damage and use the vile British press to abuse the Sussexes in what seemed a plan to put them "In their place." 

Many watched in disbelief as British tabloids gleefully splashed headlines from palace sources that King Charles did not want Meghan at Balmoral, that they would not welcome her there. Prince Harry was not allowed on the flight with the other Princes. He was not told (depending on what news outlet you read) or told five minutes before Prince Charles briefed the press that his grandmother was dead. There was then the dinner snub by Princes Charles and William when Harry arrived at Balmoral. Upon his return to England, there was a military uniform ban for Prince Harry, while other royals who were not military veterans or, in some cases, never in the military paraded around in their military Halloween costumes with chocolate medals. There were also the blaring headlines of the palace inviting then publicly uninviting them to the state reception the night before the funeral. One can only determine that these headlines, copied by news outlets worldwide, were specifically designed to humiliate and exclude the Sussexes publicly. The cruel treatment of Harry and Meghan by royal household members was appalling, especially as they were grieving Harry's only mother figure since the tragic death of his mom when he was only twelve years old.

I have long heard about the cruelty of the Windsors; many of us who have been paying attention have seen the damage done to Meghan and Harry, some of which they shared with Oprah and on the mental health documentary, The Me You Can't See. However, watching the inhumanity of the palace and the press play out in real-time as it did during those ten days against two people simply there to pay their respects was devastating. I can only imagine how destructive and painful it was to Harry and Meghan, the targets of that abuse. 

So devastating was that experience Sussex supporters and others worldwide prayed and crossed their fingers until there was confirmation that the Sussexes left the UK and returned safely to their family in the US. 

Watching their despicable behavior on a world stage, I am not sure what the Royal Family and their courtiers thought they achieved. Maybe the royalists and white supremacists they were playing to celebrated their actions as a show of power and especially "putting that black woman in her place," but to us who watched this from the outside, the Monarchy, King Charles III, and the royal household looked weak, small and vindictive.

Secure leaders do not have to destroy those of lower standing than they are to prove they are powerful. 

For the British royal family, pomp, pageantry, spectacle, and fleeting popularity are all they have to distract gullible people from the fact that they are empty vessels, utterly devoid of humanity.


  1. Yes the whole charade is sad on all fronts. Also the coutier's book released immediately after the official mourning period, mmm hmmm. The RF and minions are an embarrassment to the 10th power.

  2. You’re brilliant

    1. Oh thank you so much. I appreciate your support.🧡

  3. Hi Petol, I totally agree with you. Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan were the only ones that showed any respect to QEII. They came to mourn the lost of a beloved grandmother and Harry's Commander in Chief. They care little about the pomp and pageantry. The show was to much for my taste and very dull. The British Media played their part ,as the Royal Family wanted them to, and them all looked like idiots.

  4. Yes I too find it was all pomp and pageantry, but no heart.

  5. Petol, yes the royals only showed the world how petty, vindictive and cruel they were. In the face of adversity, Harry and Meghan were the class act with grace and dignity, the others were behaving like butthues. Harry played a master stroke in the uniform debacle by putting out that a statement.....he handed chucky and his cohorts their asses on a platter, but they maybe too stupid to realized it.

  6. Petol, Thank you for the recap of the events after QEII passed away. You captured the Royal Family true feelings regarding the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, it’s a shame their pettiness was on full display from the moment QEII passed until she was placed in the vault. The blog removed all doubt that the Royal Family never cared for Duke and Duchess of Sussex from engagement to marriage and having children. Unfortunately, it brought out all the nonsense, Royal Rodents, tabloids and the other royals. The only two people who cared are now dead.

    Once again Petol, your blog capture the whole events and the lies told throughout the ten days, unfortunately the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had to endure.

    Thank you Petol for your blog.

  7. Terrific Article! The treatment of Harry & Meghan by The Un-Royal during that circus was appalling!

  8. Great article Petol you did an excellent job well said my sentiment exactly

  9. Great article Petol it was all about pageantry, pomp & circumstance but very short on empathy & humanity

  10. Petol, your article chronicled correctly the events as they occurred during the pomp & circumstance, aka funeral events for QE2. The whole wide world witnessed in real time who the demonic, racist, BritishUnroyalFamilyMafiaKKKlan really are. They, unknowingly, pulled back the veil that shielded their true selves from most of the world. Many of us already knew THEIR HISTORY, no shocker there😏 To know the identity of any tree or plant, one must locate the fruit. Upon inspection, one would then know the identity of the tree. One would never see an apple on an orange tree nor vice-versa. In the same manner, to identify a person based on their behavior or displayed character, go to the root of who they truly are. The Bible tells us, " By their fruit, you shall know them". The "Windsors", as they've renamed themselves, are actually the SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA family of German ancestry, [they're NOT true Brits] believed to be NAZI SYMPATHIZERS [allegedly, possibly]. If you know the history of the Third Reich Nazi Regime, Adolf Hitler's Military, you'll begin to understand where the character & behavior of the "Windsors " had its origin. The evil, demonic, racist, bigoted, misogynistic, brutal, unconscionable actions, hatred, name a few of the ungodly traits of those'll better understand where the flawed characters and ungodly behaviors on full display by the BritishUnroyalFamilyMafiaKKKlan comes from. This ungodliness has been passed down from generation to generation, and no one in that blood line cared to break that toxic generational curse. PrinceHarry is the only anomaly in that so-called family, with PrincessDiana being the first. I said all this to say, "Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be envious against the workers of iniquity for they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither like the green herb, says the Lord God Almighty ☝🏼 God has the records of their behaviors, and He said, "VENGEANCE IS MINE AND I WILL PAY THEM BACK "! So, no worries, it's all under control. Their day is on the horizon. They know not the day nor the hour when God will require of them. So, in the meanwhile,
    let's celebrate all things PrincessDiana, PrinceHarry, PrincessMeghan, PrinceArchie, PrincessLilibetDiana, and MamaDoria, along with their dogs & chickens! LOL🥰😅🤣😂

  11. Great article, spot on with everything stated.


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